Please help Edgewood by getting your student to school/class on time.
If your child is absent please call the attendance line at 574-371-5096 before 10:00 to report their absence, or contact Ashley at A parent/guardian has to be the person to call the school, not the student. Please leave a message if we are unable to answer. We check the machine regularly. If we do not receive a phone call, your student will be marked unexcused for that day.
Attendance phone calls are sent out between 10:00 and 10:30 daily. Please make sure your phone number in Powerschool is updated as this is the number that the system will use.
Need to leave for an appointment? Please call 574-371-5096 at least 1/2 hour before your student needs to leave. This gives us enough time to find them.
Doctor Notes: Please turn them in to the attendance office so we can clear your student's attendance.
Vacations: Please contact Ashley G. at least two weeks in advance if you are going to be missing three or more days due to vacation. There is a form that needs to be filled out and signed by teachers. Students will be given the assignments they will be missing for those days.
Reminder: Students are limited to 7 parents and/or medically excused absences per semester. Each absence counts toward the limit of 7 absences as stated above. After the allowed day limit, each additional absence must be covered medically with a doctor's note to be excused.
If you have any additional questions, please feel free to contact one of the people listed below:
Ashley Giaudrone ; Erika Brooks ; Dan Beam.
Attendance and Truancy, Policy #5200
Students who attend school consistently and are on time develop better socially, establish better communications with their teachers, acquire important life habits such as dependability, self-sufficiency, and responsibility and have more success academically.