(HSE) High School Equivalency
We help students study for either the GED or HiSET tests.
Call or text us: 574-216-3636

HSE Graduates so far:
Ivy Tech Community College
(Rooms 139, 140, 143, & 144)
2545 Silveus CrossingWarsaw, IN 46582
Call/Text: 574.216.3636
The Learning Center
1818 S Park RoadRochester, IN 46975
Call/Text: 574.216.3636
Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday:
10 AM - 12 Noon
Tuesday and Thursday:
7 PM - 9 PM
Wednesday 6 - 8 PM
Warsaw & Rochester
Meet The Morning Teachers
Meet The Evening Teachers
Whether you are preparing for the high school equivalency exam (HSE) or the CLA (logistics) certification call us. Adult Education may be just what you need to get your future started on the right track.
If you are in need of our free services or know someone who is, call us. It may be a phone call that will change a life..
*You will have an opportunity to improve your reading, writing, and math skills while learning about such areas as science and social studies.

Rick Swaim (Career Coach)

Alan Clark (Testing Coordinator)

Amy Nette (Admin Asst)

Diana Clark (Program Coordinator)

Cindy Thomas

Barry Sisson (JCAP)

Grant Hendrikse

Tanya Kempton

Jaimie Kirkwood (Rochester)