'tis the season to be jolly - especially at Edgewood Middle School.
Abbi Richcreek organized a surprise for bus drivers. Abbi's students used the EMS STEM Lab and resources to make a special gift for each driver. A custom key chain with the Tiger Paw logo on one side and the driver's name inscribed on the other was presented with some help from some very special friends.
Making an early morning visit was Santa (Jason Culver), Elf (Alexi Demopoulos), Elf (Alexis Nelson), Mrs. Claus (Abbi Richcreek), Elf on the Shelf (Ace Richcreek, Washington Kindergartner), Reindeer (Bo), and Rowdy the Humanoid Robot. Mrs. Hauselman joined the festivities as well as Mr. Devin who was negotiating his status on Santa's list.
Thanks to Abbi Richcreek for providing all the costumes, the pony, and the opportunity for her students to express their appreciation to WCS bus drivers with this unique gift and presentation.
In addition, ALL Edgewood staff will also receive a personalized keychain from the Edgewood Manufacturing Class.

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