Today's Morning Announcements

Today's Lunch Menu choices are Turkey & Noodles, Tea Honey Wheat Roll, or 

Pizza Anytimer, Mashed Potatoes, Cucumber Slices, Choice of Fruit, and Milk  

This Thursday, April 29th we are cancelling the Academic Support due to ILEARN.

Chess Club will meet today after school until 4:30p in the library.

Tomorrow wear sport clothing for tomorrow’s spirit theme and "Score Your Highest on ILEARN".  

ILearn testing will be held this morning and after lunch today. Bring your ipad and remember that you cannot have your phone or smart watch in the testing room. Make sure to use the restroom if needed before you go to your testing site. We like to minimize interruptions during testing. 


4/29 Thursday:  "Score Your Highest on ILEARN"  (sports clothes day)

 4/30 Friday:  "Let's Give ILEARN a Higher Education"  (college shirt day)


ILearn Schedule  ILearn assessment will be held the week of April 26th. If possible, please make sure your student is in school every day. Make up testing will take students out of their classes. 

Academic Support Program on Thursdays  Students must be signed up each week by 3p on Wednesday to attend Thursday’s after school academic support program. Transportation will be provided on request. Parents, students and teachers can make this request - no late enrollments will be accepted. 

Yearbook Sales  The Edgewood yearbook will be sold online only.  The cost is only $9 per copy for a 40 page book of photo memories, available through April 30.  The link to order is:


Chess Club:  Wednesdays 3 - 4:30p in the library

Game Club: Thursdays 3-4p 

Fellowship of Christian Tuesdays 7:15a Mr. Brumbaugh’s room.Enter the building at door 3 by the FACS hallway. 


4/28 Q4 Progress Reports will be distributed to students

Week of April 26th: iLearn Testing - special schedules

April 29: Parent/Teachers Virtual Conferences

May 13: PPE Meeting


Friday 4/30- B/G/ Track and Field Meet @ Lakeview start time of 5:00p

 Saturday 5/1- B/G Soccer Game @ Crestview/Riverview Girls@Riverview and Boys@Crestview                            start time of 10a

OUR MISSION: Edgewood will maximize student learning.