EMS Daily Announcements

Lunch Menu is Turkey & Noodles, Tea Honey Wheat Roll or Pizza Anytimes, Mashed Potatoes, Cucumber Slices, Choice of Fruit and Milk.  

Cross Country practice will be after school today from 3:15 to 4:45 p.m.

Each student must wear a clearly visible Student Photo Identification Card on a break-away lanyard all day at Edgewood. Students who forgot theirs can request a temporary ID from their first or second period teacher. Replacements will cost $4.00 for an ID and $1.00 for a lanyard. Students are not to deface the card.  Unusable cards need to be replaced at the student's expense immediately. The identification badge is to be attached to a lanyard and worn around the student’s neck at all times.  ID badges are to be shown when purchasing food and will also be used in the library for checking out materials. 

Challenge of the week: 

Write a positive comment on 10 social media posts. 
