Lunch Menu is Breaded Chicken Sandwich or Ham & Cheese Croissant, Baked Beans, French Fries, Doritos, Choice of Fruit and Milk.
FFA’s Call-out Meeting will be held this Wednesday, August 25 from 3:15-4:30 pm in the WCHS Agriculture room. See Mrs. Bartman in room B123 between periods 1-2 to sign up to attend.
Challenge of the week: Invite a new friend to hang out with you. Be kind to others.
September 24: Picture Day
IPad Accidental Damage Protection - As a reminder, students in K-12th grade are offered this optional (but highly recommended) accidental damage protection for student devices. The open enrollment date closed on August 31, 2021. This is for students only and staff devices do not need to be insured at this time.
Here are the links for both English and Spanish purchase portals.