EMS Daily Announcements

Lunch Menu is Chicken Tenders with Roll or PB & J Meal, Mashed Potatoes, Celery Sticks, Choice of Fruit and Milk.  

Today our 7th grade Football team will play at home against Schmucker. The home game will begin at 5:30p.  The 8th grade Football team will travel to Schmucker The away game starts at 5:30p

 The grace period for students coming to class tardy has ended.  Teachers will count students tardy who are not in the classroom when the tardy bell rings.

 A reminder that the office needs to be notified about any Appointments that will take students out of the building during the school day.  Parents can contact the office with the information about the appointment so the student can be ready to be picked up.  If possible, we ask that the students come to school before and/or after an appointment to minimize the amount of instruction he/she misses.  After the appointment, please provide the slip from medical appointments for your student’s files. When picking up your student during school hours, you are asked to come to bring your driver's license.  Parents are encouraged to make every effort to schedule appointments at times that are the least disruptive to their child’s school day.  We understand that is not always possible. 

 Challenge of the week: Invite a new friend to hang out with you. Be kind to others. 


IPad Accidental Damage Protection  - As a reminder, students in K-12th grade are offered this optional (but highly recommended) accidental damage protection for student devices.  The open enrollment date closed on August 31, 2021.  This is for students only and staff devices do not need to be insured at this time.  

Here are the links for both English and Spanish purchase portals.  

English- https://www.securedtechsolutions.com/plan/warsaw-038/

Spanish- https://www.securedtechsolutions.com/plan/warsaw-038-span/

Edgewood Dress Code All tank tops and shirts must have shoulder coverage that is ID width.  Under garments should not be visible.  No midriff shirts showing any skin.  Students wearing leggings must wear a long enough shirt that covers their front and back side. Skirts and shorts are to be fingertip length when arms are resting downward. Holes in the pants that show skin must be fingertip length or lower as well


SEPT 24: Picture Day


AUG 26: HOME 7th grade game vs Schmucker 5:30p

    AWAY 8th grade game at Schmucker 5:30p

AUG 28: Taylor Cross Country Invitational will start at 11a.

 OUR MISSION: Edgewood will maximize student learning.