Lunch Menu is Pepperoni Pizza Rippers or Fish Sandwich, Caesar Salad, Dragon Punch, Choice of Fruit and Milk.
Our Cross Country team will travel to Taylor University on Saturday. The away invitational is scheduled to begin at 11am.
IPad Accidental Damage Protection - As a reminder, students in K-12th grade are offered this optional (but highly recommended) accidental damage protection for student devices. The open enrollment date closed on August 31, 2021. This is for students only and staff devices do not need to be insured at this time.
Here are the links for both English and Spanish purchase portals.
MONDAY LATE ARRIVALS - Doors open at 8:20a
Edgewood Dress Code All tank tops and shirts must have shoulder coverage that is ID width. Under garments should not be visible. No midriff shirts showing any skin. Students wearing leggings must wear a long enough shirt that covers their front and back side. Skirts and shorts are to be fingertip length when arms are resting downward. Holes in the pants that show skin must be fingertip length or lower as well
AUG 31: 7th grade Hearing Screening
SEPT 24: Picture Day
OCT 7: 8th grade Vision Screening
AUG 28: Taylor Cross Country Invitational will start at 11a.
OUR MISSION: Edgewood will maximize student learning.