EMS Daily Announcements

Lunch Menu is Yang's Chicken and Rice or Turkey Sandwich, Vegetable, Fruit, Cookie, Choice of Fruit and Milk.  

Our Volleyball teams will play Riverview at Huntington today starting at 5:00p.  Cross Country will run at home today against Crestview.


Send your son or daughter on an amazing journey to Ecuador and the Galápagos Islands during the summer of 2023.  Mr. Netzley is launching a trip for any current student from 6th through 12th grades.  Spanish is not required to travel, just a willingness to try new things and an adventurous spirit!  There will be a zoom meeting to share the information including the itinerary and pricing on Thursday, September 9th at 6:00.  You must RSVP in order to receive the Zoom link and a $200 discount.  


SEPT 6: No School/Labor Day Holiday 

SEPT 20: eLearning Day

SEPT 23: P/T Conferences 3:25 - 7p

SEPT 24: Picture Day

OCT 7: 8th grade Vision Screening


SEPT 2: Volleyball vs Riverview MS at Huntington. Starting at 5:00p

  Home Cross Country vs Crestview MS. Starting at 5:00p

SEPT 4: Warsaw XC Invitational Starting at 9:00a

  OUR MISSION: Edgewood will maximize student learning.