Lunch Menu is Mini Twin Cheeseburgers or Meat Lovers Stromboli, Lettuce Salad, Baked Beans, Sugar Cookie, Choice of Fruit and Milk.
Are you interested in leadership development, community service, and gaining experience in potential careers in agriculture? If so- please join us for the Warsaw FFA Ice Cream Social tomorrow September 16 from 6:30-7:30 pm in the WCHS Agriculture Rooms (Y-187 at the high school). Please enter through WCHS Door #4. We will discuss opportunities to be involved in FFA. If you have any questions and/or to sign up to attend, please see Mrs. Bartman in B123 between periods 1-2.
Dropping off items: Please limit bringing items to school for your student unless it is essential to the student’s school day. Items will need to be marked with the student’s name and on your arrival be placed in the entrance foyer. Visitors/parents must wear a mask when entering the building.
SEPT 15: Q1 Midterm Progress Reports distributed to students
SEPT 20: eLearning Day Assignments posted by 9a through EMS website link and submitted to teacher in 48 hours-Sept 22 midnight
SEPT 23: In Person Parent/Teacher Conferences 3:25 - 7p
SEPT 24: Picture Day; Middle School Athletic Port-A-Pit Chicken Fundraiser 11-6 Lakeview
OCT 7: 8th grade Vision Screening
SEPT 16: HOME Volleyball vs Fairfield 5p
SEPT 18: AWAY Volleyball Northridge MS TBD
AWAY XC West Noble Invitational 9:30a
OUR MISSION: Edgewood will maximize student learning.