EMS Daily Announcements

Lunch Menu is Turkey &  Noodles with Honey Wheat Roll or Pizza Anytimer, Mashed Potatoes, Fresh Veggie Mix, Paradise Vegetable Juice,  Choice of Fruit, and Milk.  

Boys Basketball Tryouts will be held on October 18th - 6:00-8:00 pm at the high school TRAC; October 19th - 7th grade 5:00-6:30 at Edgewood and  8th grade from 3:30-5:00 at Edgewood.

Edgewood usually has a Chess Club start up in October. The club is for people who just want to have fun playing chess and those who want to compete at Regionals and State. If you are interested in joining the club, please fill out the form Mr. Wysong sent you in your email. The club is open to all students!

The Reading for Riley Read-a-thon is this Friday from 3-9. Continue collecting your money the rest of this week. If you are participating, bring your donations, comfy clothes and pillows, and books to the library Friday after school to prepare for a night of reading and fun.

On Thursday October 7th, all 8th graders will have their Vision screened. Eighth graders that wear contact or eyeglasses will need to wear them for testing this Thursday.

 Today’s away Volleyball games will be held at Woodside starting at 5:00p.

Students, it is time to look at your 2nd Quarter classes in PowerSchool.  Contact the office if you are missing a class in any period or have already taken an elective. Schedules will be distributed to students on Friday Oct 15th in the first period. 


Dropping off items: Please limit bringing items to school for your student unless it is essential to the student’s school day. Items will need to be marked with the student’s name and on your arrival be placed in the entrance foyer. Visitors/parents must wear a mask when entering the building.


OCT 7: 8th grade Vision Screening


OCT. 6: AWAY VB Woodside 5:00p

OCT 7: HOME Football NELMSC 7th graders will play Lakeview on Lakeview’s field; 8th graders will play Lakeview at home 7:00p

OUR MISSION: Edgewood will maximize student learning.