EMS Daily Announcements

Lunch Menu is Bosco Sticks with Marinara Sauce or Ham & Cheese Sliders, Broccoli with Cheese, Fresh Baby Carrots, Choice of Fruit, and Milk. 

Picture Retake Day will be held on Thursday October 28th. If you were absent on our previous picture day, we want you to plan on having your photo taken for the yearbook.  

 FFA will meet on Wednesday, October 13 from 3:15-4:30p in the high school Agriculture Rooms. See Mrs. Bartman in B123 between periods 1-2 to sign up to attend.


Temporary Bus Passes: WCS transportation department requests students make other arrangements for transportation home with other students unless for emergency situations.  To request a temporary bus pass, both parents must provide written permission for a student to go home with another student.


OCT 15: End of Quarter 1;  Celebration Party 1:45-3p Food Trucks available

OCT 18: Quarter 2 begins - students will receive new schedules in their first period class

OCT 20-22: Fall Break - no school


NOV 2: Fall Sports Awards 2-7p

OUR MISSION: Edgewood will maximize student learning.



Sign Language Club: Wednesdays after school until 4:15