EMS Daily Announcements

Lunch Menu is Big Daddy’s Pepperoni Pizza or Turkey Sandwich, Steamed Corn, Fresh Veggie Mix, Mini Rice Krispy Treat, Choice of Fruit, and Milk. 

Picture Retake Day will be held on Thursday October 28th. If you were absent on our previous picture day, we want you to plan on having your photo taken for the yearbook.  

Bring in your extra outerwear for our Coat Drive to help those in need in our community. Warm jackets, coats, snowsuits and other warm winter wear are needed. Bring your items to school and place them in the box on the stage by Monday October 18th.  

There will be a callout meeting for all boys interested in trying out for the Basketball team this Friday at 7:30 am or 3:00 pm in Mr. Ringler’s room. If you cannot make it to either meeting, please see Mr. Ringler for important information regarding tryouts. 


Temporary Bus Passes: WCS transportation department requests students make other arrangements for transportation home with other students unless for emergency situations.  To request a temporary bus pass, both parents must provide written permission for a student to go home with another student.

 A reminder that the office needs to be notified about any Appointments that will take students out of the building during the school day.  Parents can contact the office with the information about the appointment so the student can be ready to be picked up.  If possible, we ask that the students come to school before and/or after an appointment to minimize the amount of instruction he/she misses.  After the appointment, please bring in the slip from a medical appointment for your student’s files. Parents are encouraged to make every effort to schedule appointments at times that are the least disruptive to their child’s school day.  We understand that is not always possible.  If your student will be late to school,  please contact the office 371-5096.


OCT 15: End of Quarter 1 Celebration Party 1:45-3p Food Trucks available 

OCT 18: Quarter 2 begins - students will receive new schedules in first period

OCT 20-24: Fall Break - no school


Sign Language Club: Wednesdays after school until 4:15


NOV 2: Fall Sports Awards 2-7p

Mickem Concessions

Lemon Shake-Ups $5 Elephant Ears $6

Cheese Fries $6 Corndogs & Hotdogs $3

Breaded Cheeseburgers $6 Tenderloins $6

Nachos  $5

EMS concession stand: food items and drinks:  Items will range in price from 25 cents to $2.  

Kona Ice truck $3 - $5.  

All proceeds raised from this event will go to the PPE (Parents As Partners in Education).  This group funds scholarships and teacher grants.  If you would like to help with the end of quarter party, please contact Jolean Smith at edgewoodppe@gmail.com

OUR MISSION: Edgewood will maximize student learning