Lunch Menu is Chicken Bites or Yogurt Meal, Green Beans, Fresh Baby Carrots, Craisins, Slushies, and Milk.
Today begins our second quarter. First period teachers are to distribute Schedules to students this morning. Students that have a different first period class may move to their correct class after announcements. Lunch assignments will remain the same.
Challenge of the week:
Make a pretty bookmark and leave it in a library book for someone to see.
Picture Retake Day will be held on Thursday October 28th. If you were absent on our previous picture day, we want you to plan on having your photo taken for the yearbook.
A reminder that the office needs to be notified about any Appointments that will take students out of the building during the school day. Parents can contact the office with the information about the appointment so the student can be ready to be picked up. If possible, we ask that the students come to school before and/or after an appointment to minimize the amount of instruction he/she misses. After the appointment, please bring in the slip from a medical appointment for your student’s files. Parents are encouraged to make every effort to schedule appointments at times that are the least disruptive to their child’s school day. We understand that is not always possible.
If your student will be absent or late to school, please contact the office 371-5096.
OCT 18: Quarter 2 begins - students received new schedules in first period
OCT 20-24: Fall Break - no school
NOV 7: Change clocks to fall back one hour
NOV 2: Fall Sports Awards 2-7
OUR MISSION: Edgewood will maximize student learning.