In honor of principal appreciation month and in an effort to help tell our WCS story, leaders from our community spent the day shadowing principals.
Warsaw Community Schools would like to thank all participants who were "Principal for the Day." From assisting with greeting students to recess duty to listening to readers to helping with testing to hearing about student dreams to lunch table chats and soooooo much more - our outstanding community leaders gained a greater appreciation for all that it takes to operate our amazing schools. Today offered a front-row seat to witness the WCS Strategic Plan and its four pillars in action: Adaptability; Inclusivity; Experience; Empathy.
Aimee Lunsford added, "We look forward to future opportunities to invite guests in to help us tell our story."
- Troy Akers, WCHS: Mayor Joe Thallamer & Police Chief Scott Whitaker
- Nate Polston, Leesburg: Kondo Simfukwe, Mission Point Church
- David Burden, Washington: Tom Westerhoff, Community Advocate/Blogger
- Matt Deeds, Harrison: Jim Swanson, YMCA
- Josh Wall, Jefferson: Mark Pohl, Grace College
- Aimee Lunsford, Lincoln: Rob Parker, Chamber of Commerce
- Melissa Rees, Claypool: Craig Snow, State of Indiana Representative, Silveus Insurance

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