EMS Daily Announcements

Lunch Menu is Bosco Sticks with Marinara Sauce, or Ham &  Cheese Sliders, Broccoli with Cheese, Gold Rush Juice, Choice of Fruit, and Milk. 

Wednesday’s FFA meeting will be held from 3:15-4:30p in the high school Agriculture Rooms.  We will discuss opportunities to be involved in FFA.  If you want to attend, please see Mrs. Bartman in B123 between periods 1-2.

Winter Running Club is back!  We will be meeting on Tuesday and Thursday.  We will meet in Mr. Fleming’s room after school until 4:15.  Everyone needs to be prepared for OUTSIDE running.  Anyone without proper clothing for current weather conditions will not be allowed.  Please plan for all possible weather conditions.  Any questions please email Mr. Fleming.

This morning first quarter Honor Roll Certificates will be distributed in first period.  Congratulations to these students. We have three levels of recognition following the Cum Laude system of three levels. Students with Cum Laude recognition with GPA of 3.5-3.69 receive an honor roll certificate. Students with 3.7 to 3.89 GPA are recognized with silver pins designating Magna Cum Laude.   The highest level with 3.9 to 4.00 GPA receive Summa Cum Laude gold pins.   

We have made changes to Edgewood’s Bell Schedules. Beginning today we will have two lunch shifts. Today’s lunch shifts will follow your 5th period class. Listen carefully to your 5th period teacher’s assignment to know when you will have lunch on Tuesdays.



NOV 11: Special Schedule: Veterans Day Program at LV at 1p & 7p

DEC 10: Wagon Wheel Trip - ELF performance 


Chess Club 3-4p Mondays and Wednesdays in the library (Wysong)

FCS 7:15a Tuesday mornings (Brumbaugh)

Sign Language Club Wednesdays after school until 4:15 (Landon)

Winter Running Club 3-4:15 Tuesday and Thursday (Fleming)


OUR MISSION: Edgewood will maximize student learning.