Lunch Menu is Hot Dog or PB & J Meal, French Fries, Baked Beans, Mini Rice Krispy Treat, Choice of Fruit, and Milk.
Girls Basketball Tryouts will be held December 1st, 2nd and 3rd from 6-8p.
Starting December 2nd, the new Minecraft Club will meet on Thursdays after school in Mr. Wilt's room for one hour. Remember to bring your Ipad and charger.
Today’s Parent /Teacher conferences will be held from 3:30 - 6:15p.
There will be no Running Club today.
Students that haven’t paid their twenty dollar Student Activity Fee can do this in the office. This money will pay for your ticket to the Wagon Wheel ELF performance on December 10th along with other expenditures this school year.
Today’s Boys Basketball will play at home against Maple Creek. The 7th grade game is scheduled to begin at 5:00p with the 8th grade game to follow.
Challenge of the week: Give 5 compliments to strangers and 5 compliments to people who you know.
NOV 18: Forget Princess, I Want to be an Engineer Program; P/T Conferences 3:25-6:30
NOV 24-28: Thanksgiving Break
DEC 6: ELearning
DEC 10: Wagon Wheel Trip; Special Schedule
DEC 22: End of Q2;
DEC 23 - JAN 9: Christmas Break
NOV 18 Boys Basketball will play at home against Maple Creek. The 7th grade game is scheduled to begin at 5:00p with the 8th grade game to follow.
OUR MISSION: Edgewood will maximize student learning.