EMS Daily Announcements

Lunch Menu is Bosco Sticks or Fish Sandwich, Steamed Broccoli, Gold Rush Juice, Choice of Fruit, and Milk. 

Starting December 2nd, the new Minecraft Club will meet on Thursdays after school in Mr. Wilt's room for one hour. Remember to bring your Ipad and charger.

 Students that haven’t paid their twenty dollar Student Activity Fee can do this in the office. 

Penny War Update:  It is a close one between the two lunch shifts! Only $15.41 separates the two lunch shifts. Each lunch shift has seemed to take on a different method of attack...while second lunch is stuffing their bucket with positive points (paper money & pennies), first lunch is also stuffing second’s bucket, but with  A LOT of silver coins...which is reducing their points! Who’s method will prove victorious?? Friday is the last day! Winners get a BEACH PARTY!!  The winner will be announced Monday during morning announcements. 


A reminder that the office needs to be notified about any Appointments that will take students out of the building during the school day.  Parents can contact the office with the information about the appointment so the student can be ready to be picked up.  If possible, we ask that the students come to school before and/or after an appointment to minimize the amount of instruction he/she misses.  After the appointment, please bring in the slip from a medical appointment for your student’s files. Parents are encouraged to make every effort to schedule appointments at times that are the least disruptive to their child’s school day.  We understand that is not always possible.   If your student will be late to school,  please contact the office 371-5096.


NOV 24-28: Thanksgiving Break

DEC 6: ELearning 

DEC 10: Wagon Wheel Trip; Special Schedule

DEC 22: End of Q2;

DEC 23 - JAN 9: Christmas Break

JAN 17: School is not in Session MLK Day

FEB 9: Q3 Midterm

FEB 21: School is not in Session Presidents Day

APR 2-10: Spring Break

MAR 11: End of Q3

MAR 17: Q3 Grades due by Midnight

MAY 27: Students Last Day; Awards Program; Special Schedule; End of Q4

MAY 31: Teachers Last Day; Q4 Grades due by Midnight


Chess Club 3-4p Mondays and Wednesdays in the library (Wysong)

FCS 7:15a Tuesday mornings (Brumbaugh)

Minecraft Club 3-4p Thursdays (Wilt)

Sign Language Club Wednesdays after school until 4:15 (Landon)

Winter Running Club 3-4:15 Tuesday and Thursday (Fleming)


NOV 20: Away Boys Basketball 9a at Northwood

NOV 22: Away Boys Basketball 5p at Indian Springs

NOV 23: Away Boys Basketball 5p at Westview 

NOV 29: Home Boys Basketball 5 Lincoln

NOV 30: Away Boys Basketball 5p at Riverview

DEC 2: Home Boys Basketball 5p Tippecanoe

 OUR MISSION: Edgewood will maximize student learning.

 Misc Information

Students are to log into Google Classroom and Canvas to receive homework assignments.

 Fast food restaurants carry in meals are not permitted in the cafeteria at lunch.

Please check with your student to see if they owe for an ID tag. Students are to wear their ID on a lanyard every day. If they forget it at home, they will need to purchase another.

 MONDAY LATE ARRIVAL DAY - Doors open at 8:20a