Lunch Menu is Pulled Pork Street Tacos, or PB & J Meal, Steamed Corn, Cool Tropics Vegetable Juice, Choice of Fruit, and Milk.
Girls Basketball Tryouts will be held on December 1st and December 3rd from 6-8p at the high school TRAC. On December 2nd, tryouts will be held in the high school Career Center gym from 6-8p.
FCS will meet tomorrow morning at 7:15a in Mr. Brumbaugh’s room.
Today’s Boys Basketball games against Lincoln Jr High will be held at home. The 7th grade team will play at 5p with the 8th grade game to follow.
Chess Club will not meet today.
Challenge of the week: Leave an encouraging message around the school for someone to find.
DEC 6: ELearning
DEC 10: Wagon Wheel Trip; Special Schedule
DEC 22: End of Q2;
DEC 23 - JAN 9: Christmas Break
JAN 17: School is not in Session MLK Day
FEB 9: Q3 Midterm
FEB 21: School is not in Session Presidents Day
APR 2-10: Spring Break
MAR 11: End of Q3
MAY 27: Students Last Day; Awards Program; Special Schedule; End of Q4
MAY 31: Teachers Last Day; Q4 Grades due by Midnight
Chess Club 3-4p Mondays and Wednesdays in the library (Wysong)
FCS 7:15a Tuesday mornings (Brumbaugh)
Minecraft Club 3-4p Thursdays (Wilt)
Sign Language Club Wednesdays after school until 4:15 (Landon)
Winter Running Club 3-4:15 Tuesday and Thursday (Fleming)
NOV 29: Home Boys Basketball 5 Lincoln
NOV 30: Away Boys Basketball 5p at Riverview
DEC 2: Home Boys Basketball 5p Tippecanoe
OUR MISSION: Edgewood will maximize student learning.