Lunch Menu is Hot Dog or PB & J Meal, French Fries, Baked Beans, Mini Rice Krispy Treat, Choice of Fruit, and Milk.
Girls Basketball Tryouts will continue today and will be held in the high school Career Center gym from 6-8p.
Today’s home Boys Basketball games against Tippecanoe will start at 5:00p. The 8th grade game will follow the 7th grade game.
Minecraft Club will meet today from 3-4p in Mr. Wilt’s room. Remember to bring your Ipad and charger.
Winter Running Club will meet in Mrs Fisher’s room after school today until 4:15.
DEC 6: ELearning
DEC 10: Wagon Wheel Trip; Special Schedule
DEC 22: End of Q2;
DEC 23 - JAN 9: Christmas Break
JAN 17: School is not in Session MLK Day
Chess Club 3-4p Mondays and Wednesdays in the library (Wysong)
FCS 7:15a Tuesday mornings (Brumbaugh)
Minecraft Club 3-4p Thursdays (Wilt)
Sign Language Club Wednesdays after school until 4:15 (Landon)
Winter Running Club 3-4:15 Tuesday and Thursday (Fleming)
DEC 2: Home Boys Basketball 5p Tippecanoe
DEC 3: Girls Basketball Tryouts
Location: TRAC (high school fieldhouse)
Time: 6:00-8:00p
OUR MISSION: Edgewood will maximize student learning.