September 20, 2020
Automation & Robotic students tested their PB & J instructions on a robot. The robot (Mrs. Richcreek) acted out the student's verbal instructions. This activity kicked off progr...

September 20, 2020
Students tested their egg drop devices last week during Success.

September 18, 2020
This is a heartwarming story of kindness, generosity, and dedication. When life changed for us all in March 2020, Abbi Richcreek , PLTW Teacher at Edgewood Middle School, was de...

September 18, 2020
Warsaw Tigers & Wawasee Warriors are joining the FIGHT to raise FUND$ to support staff members in both corporations who are courageously fighting breast cancer. Please consider ...

September 18, 2020
Today’s Lunch Menu choices are Personal Pepperoni Pizza, or PB & J Jamwich Meal, Steamed Corn, Celery Sticks, Sugar Cookie, Fresh Orange, and Milk.
Saturday’s Cross Count...

September 17, 2020
Today’s Lunch Menu choices are Bosco Sticks with Dill Chicken Sandwich, or PB & J Jamwich Meal, Baked Beans, Peaches, Fresh Veggie Mix, Doritos, and Milk.
This evening, F...
September 17, 2020
This is a Go Baby Go project.
WCS students are collaborating with community engineers on modifying 4 qty 12 volt electric vehicles for toddlers who move differently.

September 16, 2020
Today’s Lunch Menu choices are Bosco Sticks with Marinara Sauce, or PB & J Jamwich Meal, Broccoli with Cheese, Baby Carrots, Mixed Fruit, and Milk.
FFA will hold their Ice ...

September 15, 2020
Today’s Lunch Menu choices are Hamburger or PB & J Jamwich, Wedge Fries, Mini Rice Krispy Treat, Fruit Juice and Milk.
This Friday is the Midterm for our first grading peri...

September 14, 2020
For tonight's 7th/8th grade Edgewood Volleyball Matches held at Edgewood Middle School, you can follow Abe Hepler on Facebook Live! To view the 7th and 8th grade matches please us...

September 14, 2020
Lunch Menu choices are Rotini with Meat Sauce or PB & J Jamwich, Green Beans, Blueberry Muffin, Sliced Apple, Paradise Vegetable Juice, and Milk.
Today’s Volleyball Games a...
September 13, 2020
Tiger Basketball Academy (TBA)was created to provide a high level of exposure to players interested in one day becoming a Tiger Basketball player. TBA embodies the spirit of the...

September 12, 2020
Design & Modeling students are representing an object from a multiview plan.

September 11, 2020
LUNCH: Today’s Lunch Menu choices are Hot Dog or PB & J Jamwich, Carrots, Celery Sticks, Hummus Dip, Mini Rice Krispy Treat, Fresh Veggie Mix, Juice Box and Milk.
Mark your ca...

September 10, 2020
For tonight's 7th/8th grade Edgewood Volleyball Matches held at Warsaw Community High School, you can download the Periscope App for free! Find then follow Abraham Hepler to view ...

September 10, 2020
Beginning September 1, 2020, all students enrolled at Warsaw Community Schools will be provided the opportunity to have free breakfast and free lunch each school day. Free mea...

September 10, 2020
Today’s Lunch Menu choices are Cherry Blossom Chicken, Ham & Cheese Croissant, or PB & J Jamwich, Breadstick, Applesauce, Steamed Broccoli, Dragon Punch, Sliced Apple, Fresh Veg...

September 9, 2020
Weather Alert System Notifications
Video Tutorials & Links: https://bit.ly/wcsnotifyme
Warsaw Community Schools would like to inform parents about the NEW 2020-2021 Wea...

September 9, 2020
For tonight's 7th/8th grade Edgewood Volleyball Matches held at Carroll Middle School, you can download the Periscope App for free! Find then follow Abraham Hepler to view the 7th...

September 9, 2020
Automation & Robotic students are applying the design process in building and testing their robot in the balloon demo derby.