Today is Monday, May 1, 2023 — Late-Arrival Day.
Lunch: Breaded Chicken Sandwich or Yogurt Meal, fresh baby carrots, broccoli with cheese, choice of fruit, chocolate chip cookie, and milk.
Activities: 3rd/4th iLearn testing.

If you'd like to help the PTO financially as they bless the staff with a Shawnanigan's lunch, please see this info:

"Jefferson's Got Talent" is THIS Thursday, May 4th! Families of performers are welcome to attend!

Today is Friday, April 28, 2023.
Lunch: Hot Dog or Yogurt Meal, baked beans, steamed corn, choice of fruit, and milk.
Activities: Kindergarten Community Helper visit; G3 Bike Safety at 1:45; C.o.M. Fishing.
Tomorrow: LEGO League has their Showcase. Please cheer them on!

Tiger Basketball Academy Camps: REGISTRATION is OPEN for three (3) TBA camps for boys in 1st-8th grade.
Register online or by scanning the QR code: https://sites.google.com/warsawschools.org/tigerbasketballacademy/camp-registration?authuser=0&scrlybrkr=29b16402

Today is Thursday, April 27, 2023.
Lunch: Chicken Leg with macaroni and cheese , dinner roll or Ham & Cheese Sandwich, green beans, fresh baby carrots, choice of fruit, and milk.
Activities: Kindergarten Community Helpers visit; Track Practice after school until 5:30.

Info for parents/guardians of soon-to-be 6th graders:

We need your help! Please start sending in water balloons now—the kind that fill by the bunch—in any quantity to aid in the fun of Field Day on the final Friday of school (May 26th). Thanks in advance! (Students LOVE the water balloons!!!)

Put it on your calendar...and remember that it's a SECRET!!! Mr. Mac is retiring after 44 years of teaching at Jefferson, and we want to show him how much he means to us all!

Thank you, 2nd graders, for a fantastic music program performance!
PC: The Englers
#WCSmission #TogetherWeAreWarsaw

Today is Wednesday, April 26, 2023 — Spartan Spirit Day!
Lunch: Mozzarella Cheese Sticks with marinara sauce or PBJ Meal, fresh veggie mix, steamed broccoli, choice of fruit, and milk.
Activities: K Community Helper Visit; G3 Outdoor Lilly Center; Track Meet at Lakeview, 5:15.

Today is Tuesday, April 25, 2023.
Lunch: BBQ Chicken Sandwich or Sub Sandwich, tater tots, Paradise veggie juice, choice of fruit, chocolate chip cookie, and milk.
Activities: Kindergarten W.I.L.L. Bus; G1-3 Robotics Club until 5pm; LEGO League until 5:30; Track Practice after school until 5:30; 2nd Grade Music Program at 6pm; D.A.R.E. Graduation, 6:30 at the PAC.

Tonight is the 2nd Grade Music Program at Jefferson! Please see this important reminder from Mrs. Engler:

Today is Monday, April 24, 2023 — Late-Arrival Day.
Lunch: Pepperoni Pizza or Yogurt Meal., celery sticks. mixed vegetable blend, choice of fruit, and milk.
Activities: Kindergarten Community Visitor, iLearn Testing begins.

Cheer info for those entering middle school (Edgewood):

Today is Friday, April 21, 2023.
Lunch: Walking Taco or Yogurt Meal, lettuce & cheese, salsa cup, steamed corn, choice of fruit, and milk.
Activities: Kindergarten Community Helpers, a.m.; Kona Ice Truck, 1-3:30.

Today is Thursday, April 20, 2023.
Lunch: Chicken & Waffle or Ham & Cheese Sandwich, fresh veggie mix, baked beans, choice of fruit, and milk.
Activities: Track Practice after school until 5:30.

Today is Wednesday, April 19, 2023 — Spartan Spirit Day!
Lunch: French Bread Pizza with pepperoni or PBJ Meal, steamed broccoli, carrots, choice of fruit , sugar cookie, and milk.
Activities: 1st Track Meet of the season! Please come cheer on your fellow Spartans tonight @5:45pm at WCHS!

Parents/Guardians of 2nd-grade students: please take note! Mrs. Engler has some special information for you regarding the 2nd Grade Music Program next Tuesday.

Today is Tuesday, April 18, 2023.
Lunch: Italian Spaghetti with meat sauce and breadstick or Sub Sandwich, green beans, Paradise veggie juice, choice of fruit, and milk.
Activities: G5 to Pisgah Marsh Boardwalk, 9:30-12:30; GK Community Walk, 10:30-11:30;
Fire Drill; Track after school until 5:30; LEGO League until 5:30.