Spirit Week at Jefferson begins on Monday with "North Pole Day"!

TOMORROW (Saturday the 17th) our Jefferson Girls Basketball Team will play Harrison at 9:00am at the T-RAC. From Coach Luecke: Girls should be dressed and ready to go by 8:30am. Jefferson is the visiting team and will wear the black jerseys.
The Jefferson Boys Basketball Team will play Madison at the T-RAC at 10:15am.
Cheerleaders needs to meet at Door 14 at the T-RAC no later than 8:15am, per Coach Toni.
If you have ANY questions, please contact your child's coach directly.

Today is Wednesday, December 14, 2022.
Lunch: Chicken and Noodles or PBJ Meal, mashed potatoes, green beans, choice of fruit, and milk.
Activities: Boys Basketball until 5:30; Cheer until 5:30.

Jefferson Spirit Week, Christmas Edition, is coming up next week!

The Jefferson Skating Party is TONIGHT from 6–8pm. We hope to see you there!

Today is Tuesday, December 13, 2022.
Lunch: Italian Spaghetti with meat sauce and garlic bread or Sub Sandwich, garden salad, steamed broccoli, choice of fruit, and milk.
Activities: Cheer until 5:30; Spartan Singers concert, 6pm; Skate Party at Hansen's Eastlake Skating Center, 6-8.

The Spartan Singers' concert is tomorrow! Please join us!

The Basketball Games today against Eisenhower have been postponed until later this week. Stay tuned for more details.

Today is Monday, December 12, 2022 — Late-Arrival & Spartan Spirit Day!
Lunch: Cheeseburger or Yogurt Meal, twister fries, Paradise veggie juice, choice of fruit, and milk.
Activities: Basketball Games vs. Eisenhower at 5:00pm.

Our Basketball Teams and Cheerleaders will travel to Eisenhower tomorrow evening, so we want to show our support all day long by wearing our Spartan Gear.
Go, Spartans!

We are pleased to report that we have reached our goal with our first-ever "Adopt a Spartan" campaign. In total, SEVENTY students were "adopted"!!!
We love how our Jefferson Community comes alongside our students. Thank you so very much!

Today is Friday, December 9, 2022.
Lunch: Chicken Tenders w/ roll or Yogurt Meal, carrots, baked beans, choice of fruit, and milk.
Activities: Christmas Read-Aloud with Mr. Wall; Book Fair ends.
Boys Basketball will have an optional practice tomorrow from 9:00–10:30am.

Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU, Spartan Families, countless volunteers, and amazing Jefferson PTO, for making this year's Winterfest a raving success! We are so grateful for all of you who chose to spend part of your evening with us, and we hope that you were able to create some fun holiday memories together at Jefferson.
Thank you especially for your PATIENCE and kindness! Mrs. Hocking (preschool) and her balloon creations were the BIG HIT of the night, and many of you had to wait in a long line. We hope this afforded opportunities to talk to those around you. We also appreciate your support of our book fair, as the funds raised help to bring in new books throughout the school year for everyone to enjoy.
Last but not least, our PTO is THE BEST!!! They sponsored this event, and we are so blessed by the way they love on our school.
Our hearts are full! We love our Jefferson Family!

Did you miss the Literati Book Fair? Did you not see that book that was on your wish list? Was your child sick this week and unable to browse/shop?
Shop ONLINE through today! Books will be sent to the school. If these are for a Christmas gift, let Mrs. Propp know, and she will contact you directly when they arrive (or wrap them for you to keep the items a secret).

Thanks to the PTO for a great Winterfest event!

Thanks to these awesome ladies and our WONDERFUL Spartan community for an incredible adopt a Spartan program. We are thankful!!!

FCCLA (Family, Career, Community Leaders of America) is holding our annual Trinkets for Teens Drive now through Wednesday, December 15th. Trinkets for Teens partners with Toys for Tots in Kosciusko County to supply gifts to teens 13-18. Supplies can be dropped off at WCHS at the main office or the WACC office now through Wednesday, December 15th. This year they partnered with Gabes Discount Store as well.
Leaders are appreciative of all donations that have been made and noted that they are still in need of gifts for guys. Monetary donations and gift cards will also help students shop for specific requests from local families. Suggested items include Cologne/Perfume, Gift Cards, Wallets, Non-perishable food, Socks, Backpacks, Slippers, Lunch boxes, Hats/gloves, Gum/Candy, Scarfs, Jewelry, Books, Puzzles, Deodorant, Candles, Games, Markers, Cards, Movie Tickets, Purses, Belts, Makeup, Hair Accessories, Sports balls, Water Bottles.
#wcsmission #togetherwearewarsaw #ayearofkindness #kindnesswcs #empathywcs #inclusivitywcs

Today is Thursday, December 8, 2022.
Lunch: Bosco Sticks w/ marinara sauce or Ham & Cheese Sandwich, green beans, Paradise veggie juice, choice of fruit, and milk.
Activities: 6th grade to the Wagon Wheel; 6th grade W.I.L.L. Bus; Winterfest from 5:30-7:30. The Book Fair will be open as well! Come make some ornaments and buy a book or 2! The lost and found will be in the gym for you to claim. (We have LOTS of "lost"!); Middle School Parents Informational Meeting, 5:30pm.

Say whaaaat?!?
Find out tonight at Winterfest, 5:30pm–7:30pm.

The Literati Book Fair will be open TONIGHT during Winterfest from 5:30pm–7:30pm. If you want to beat the crowd, you can still slip in this morning between 9:00am and 10:30am or between noon and 1:00pm. Shopping online is also available through tomorrow at .