Remember that it's Late-Start Monday and Red Day!

Calendar Reminder: Monday, August 22 - School will be In-Session (Late Start). The Latest WCS Calendar (7/28/2022) is available on the district website warsawschools.org #wcsmission #togetherwearewarsaw

Today is Friday, August 19, 2022. Happy End of the First Week Back!
Lunch: Mini corn dogs, baked beans, fresh veggie mix, Doritos, choice of fruit, and milk.
Monday begins Kindergarten Color Days. Feel free to join in by wearing RED on Monday. Here is the full list, if you wish to plan ahead!
Monday the 22nd—Red Day
Tuesday the 23rd—Orange Day
Wednesday the 24th—Yellow Day
Thursday the 25th—Green Day
Friday the 26th—Blue Day
Monday the 29th—Purple Day
Tuesday the 30th—Black Day
Wednesday the 31st—Brown Day
Thursday the 1st—Pink Day
Friday the 2nd—Favorite Color Day

Today is Thursday, August 18, 2022.
Lunch: Chicken Fries, cornbread, broccoli with cheese, celery sticks, choice of fruit, and milk.
Activities: Volleyball Tryouts until 5:15pm.

Today is Wednesday, August 17, 2022.
Lunch: Sloppy Joe Sandwich, emoji potatoes, baby carrots, choice of fruit, and milk.
Activities: Volleyball Tryouts until 5:15pm.

Did you know that Jefferson now has a "little free library" out front? Please stop by to borrow and return or even KEEP, if you'd like. We want all of our families and friends to enjoy reading together.
Thank you to Mrs. Harbison, Building Trades, and Mr. Wall for all their hard work in bringing this idea to life.

Today is Tuesday, August 16, 2022
Lunch: Bosco Sticks with marinara sauce, steamed corn, garden salad, choice of fruit, and milk.
Activities: Soccer Tryouts until 5:15. Students, please stay in your rooms until soccer has been dismissed.

Our principal, Mr. Wall, is super-cool, and he has the shoes to prove it!

Welcome, Spartans! Today is Monday, August 15, 2022 — Late-Start Monday.
Lunch: Breaded chicken sandwich, Gold Rush juice, green beans, choice of fruit, chocolate chip cookie, and milk.
Have a great first day, everyone!

Please remember that Mondays, including this first Monday, are late-arrival days. School begins at 10:00am, and bus schedules run 50 minutes later than usual.

Due to the current, fragile status of Monarch butterflies, we will NOT be asking for caterpillars or milkweed this year. Thank you for understanding!

Jefferson has been blessed by community donations of school supplies again this year, and we want to pass these along to any student who could use them. Please stop by the office!
Here's to a great school year, Spartans!

Thank you to all of you who made it to our back-to-school event last night. Can we just say that seeing your faces brought joy to our hearts?! Thanks for your patience, grace, and kindness in navigating the crowded halls. We are beyond excited as we anticipate a great first day on Monday!

Please plan to enter through our main entrance when you come to Back-to-School Night.
See you very soon!

We can't wait to welcome you to the school TONIGHT from 4–5pm at Jefferson Elementary for Meet the Teacher Night!
Parking is limited, so please plan to park in the Winona Lake Grace Brethren parking lot, if possible (1200 Kings Hwy across from Jefferson).
See you soon!

Here's all the info you need for your interested 4th, 5th, or 6th grade girl to try out for Jefferson Volleyball:

Tools for Schools: August 3, 9am to 3 pm. Fairgrounds. Free back to school supplies. Free haircuts. Registration support. Community Partners. And so much more! Thank you Combined Community Services, volunteers, and local agencies #wcsmission #togetherwearewarsaw

Thank you to Patrick Industries and Frontline Manufacturing for their donations of school supplies to Jefferson.
We are so grateful for the many generous hearts in our community that extend care to our students and families through the meeting of tangible needs, such as back-to-school supplies.

Here's all the info you need for your interested 4th, 5th, or 6th grader to try out for Jefferson Soccer:

Parents, please consider labeling your child's loose belongings: lunch box, water bottle, jacket, sweatshirt, etc. We end up with a very full lost-and-found box multiple times per year. It is much easier for us to reunite belongings when they have a name attached.
Thank you so much!