Today is Wednesday, February 3, 2021. Lunch: Beefy Nachos w/Cheese, or PBJ Meal, Steamed Corn, Fruit, Milk.
about 4 years ago, Jefferson Spartans
Spartan friends and family, make sure you check out the amazing billboard on Argonne Road that pays tribute to our WONDERFUL Mrs. Dana Stogsdill, who is retiring this month! (Photo provided by Mrs. Snyder.)
about 4 years ago, Jefferson Spartans
Dana's billboard
Today is Tuesday, February 2, 2021 — Happy Groundhog Day! Lunch: Pepperoni Rippers or PBJ Meal, Broccoli w/Cheese, Fruit, Cheez It Crackers, Milk. Activities Today: Robotics after school until 5:15.
about 4 years ago, Jefferson Spartans
"Mount Jefferson," as seen in front of the school this morning.
about 4 years ago, Jefferson Spartans
Reminder: WCS has a Schedule eLearning Day on Monday, February 1. Go to the "e" icon on ipads or the school website ( for assignments and due dates. Photo Credit: Bernie Waikel, Transportation
about 4 years ago, Amanda Scroggs
2 snowmen scheduled elearning day icon
We are happy to announce the safe arrival of Christopher Victor Gabriel Wanty, 9 lbs, 1 oz., 21.5" long, born at 1:01pm on Thursday, January 28th. Mom, Mrs. Cassie Wanty, was a paraprofessional at Jefferson for several years. This is Mr. & Mrs. Wanty's first child. Welcome, Christopher! (Photo provided and used with permission.)
about 4 years ago, Jefferson Spartans
Baby Wanty
Today is Friday, January 29, 2021. Lunch: Mand Chix Bowl, Fortune Cookie, or PBJ Meal, Steamed Broccoli, Dragon Punch, Milk. Monday, February 1st, is a scheduled eLearning Day.
about 4 years ago, Jefferson Spartans
Today is Thursday, January 28, 2021 — Happy 100 Day! Lunch: Bosco Sticks w/Marinara Sauce, or Yogurt Meal, Baked Beans, Mixed Fruit, Milk.
about 4 years ago, Jefferson Spartans
Did you know that tomorrow is our 100th Day of School?! (Wow!)
about 4 years ago, Jefferson Spartans
Today is Wednesday, January 27, 2021. Lunch: Turkey & Noodles, Dinner Roll, or Pizza Anytimer, Mashed Potatoes, Fruit Slushie, Milk.
about 4 years ago, Jefferson Spartans
Tuesday, January 26, 2021: ALL WCS schools are closed due to weather conditions. We will operate on an eLearning day.
about 4 years ago, Amanda Scroggs
Today—Tuesday, January 26, 2021—is an eLearning Day, due to weather. Lessons will be posted by 11am and may be accessed by using the shortcut on the student's iPad or by clicking on the following link: If you have any questions, please email your child's teacher directly. The staff directory can be found here:
about 4 years ago, Jefferson Spartans
eLearning logo
Today is Monday, January 25, 2021 — Late-Arrival Day. Lunch: Pulled Pork Tacos, or Yogurt Meal, Cole Slaw, Steamed Corn, Fruit, Blueberry Muffin, Milk. Activities Today: Spartan Singers in the Music Room—3rd & 4th grades at 12:00 and 5th & 6th grades at 12:45.
about 4 years ago, Jefferson Spartans
Today is Friday, January 22, 2021. Lunch: Hot Dog or Yogurt Meal, Tator Tots, Strawberry Craisins, Graham Crackers, Milk. Activities Today: 6th Grade D.A.R.E.; Basketball/Cheerleading and Robotics Awards at 2:45 in the cafeteria for the teams and coaches.
about 4 years ago, Jefferson Spartans
Today is Thursday, January 21, 2021. Lunch: Beefy Nachos w/Cheese, or PBJ Meal, Black Beans, Fruit Juice, Vegetable, Milk.
about 4 years ago, Jefferson Spartans
Today's eLearning assignments will be posted on our website by 11am. Find the related info here: We fully realize that today's building closure due to weather was not an anticipated event; therefore, students may not have had their iPads with them as a result. Know that eLearning assignments (required schoolwork) may also be accessed on a smartphone or other Internet-enabled device. (It will be easier to try to complete these today, rather than waiting until later in the week, if possible.) If you have specific questions about today's assignments, please email your child's teacher.
about 4 years ago, Jefferson Spartans
Jefferson Rock snowy
All schools will be physically closed, but in session for eLearning due to icy road conditions in the northern part of our district. Please be safe and have a wonderful day. #wcsmission #ForwardTogether
about 4 years ago, Amanda Scroggs
elearning weather day
Today is Tuesday, January 19, 2021. Lunch: Chicken Nuggets, Cornbread, or Yogurt Meal, Broccoli w/Cheese, Fruit, Milk.
about 4 years ago, Jefferson Spartans
Today is Friday January 15, 2021. Lunch: Mandarin Chicken Bowl with a Fortune Cookie, or PB & J Meal, Steamed Broccoli, Dragon Punch, Peaches, and Milk. We will not have school on Monday the 18th in observance of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day. See you Tuesday!
about 4 years ago, Jefferson Spartans
Today is Thursday, January 14, 2021. Lunch: Bosco Sticks w/Marinara Sauce, or Yogurt Meal, Baked Beans, Mixed Fruit, Milk.
about 4 years ago, Jefferson Spartans