It's Teacher Appreciation Week! Sending a kind note or email to those who work with your children can really brighten a day, because good words matter! 😊

Jefferson students have been taking advantage of our beautiful weather to head down to Cherry Creek for some hands-on learning, led by Mr. Chuck and Mr. McClintock, with the assistance of our school's STEM Ambassadors. Students have previously prepared by studying macroinvertebrates and simulating exploration of the creek. Now, they are actually at Cherry Creek, finding and identifying macroinvertebrates...FOR REAL! How cool is THAT?!
Photos provided by Ms. Shubhra.
#ExperienceWCS #WCSJeffersonSTEM

Today we celebrate "School Lunch Hero Day." Jefferson's crew makes their job look like a piece of cake and is definitely the apple of our eye!

Jefferson's "Citizens of the Month" for April had the perfect May day to throw in a line on the canal at The Village at Winona. Pleased smiles (and photographic evidence) suggest that fish were indeed caught!
Photo credits: Mike Baker
#ExperienceWCS #WCSJeffersonSTEM

With guidance by Mr. Chuck and Mr. Mac, kindergarten and 1st grade students are continuing their preparation for an upcoming visit to Cherry Creek by donning waders and using nets to scoop up "practice macroinvertebrates," all from the comfort of the gym lobby! #ExperienceWCS #WCSJeffersonSTEM

Field Day is a short 23 days away (May 24th), and we are in need of as many Bunch O Balloons as you're willing to donate! Kids L-O-V-E water balloons on the last day of school, and we rely on your kind generosity each year to continue to make this happen.
Please drop off any quantity of the self-sealing water balloons only (brand name Bunch O Balloons) in the school office. We so appreciate your help with this!

It's National School Principal's Day! Shout-out to Mr. Wall!

Everyone is invited to the 1st & 2nd grade music program tonight!

Come one, come all! Tonight is STEM Family Night at Jefferson, starting at 6pm!
#ExperienceWCS #WCSJeffersonSTEM

The month of May is knocking on the door, and at Jefferson that means SPARTAN SENIOR BREAKFAST! We love honoring our former Jefferson 6th graders who are ready to take the next big step: Graduation from High School!
Please use this form to RSVP: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdRsEH9e7gSW18xu34ZZgpcXXCMjTdrV9qyXxnUJl9vmpUFkA/viewform?usp=sf_link
We can't wait to see you again!

Earlier today, Jefferson students participated with all WCS Elementary Robotics Clubs in a showcase competition at the TRAC, supported by the Zimmer Biomet Foundation and Warsaw Community Schools.
Photo credits: Ms. Shubhra
#ExperienceWCS #WCSJeffersonSTEM

Jefferson kindergarten students worked with Mr. Chuck and Mr. Mac on their continued study of macroinvertebrates. This week, students drew macroinvertebrates and did a fabulous job!

Mr. Overman's 6th grade class is the winner of Via Credit Union Student Branch's April competition to save! The class has won an ice cream party (date TBD), and Mr. Overman will receive a gift card!
Saving is a reward in and of itself, so keep bringing in those deposits! It's also not too late to begin an account. Contact the office for details and paperwork.
Thank you to our partners at Via Credit Union for encouraging financial literacy among Jefferson students.

Happy National Administrative Professionals Day to the best of the best, Mrs. Terpstra and Mrs. Smith! We would be lost without them!

Save the date, Former Jefferson Teachers and This Year's Seniors who graduated from Jefferson in 6th grade! Please mark your calendars now for our annual celebration: Spartan Senior Breakfast! The date will be Monday, May 20th from 9:00am–10:10am.
More details to follow!

For the second year in a row, the Jefferson Library has enjoyed hosting an aquarium of local fish from Lilly Center for Lakes and Streams. But just as our school year is beginning to wind down, so too is that of Grace College. Many of the student workers will be preparing to leave campus soon, so one of their tasks in April is to make the rounds in the community to bring all of the aquariums and their fishy residents back to Lilly Center.
Jefferson students thoroughly enjoyed the aquarium this school year and are anxiously asking if we will have another next year! (We already submitted our application!) We love how invested our Spartans are in this fascinating and enriching experience.
#ExperienceWCS #WCSJeffersonSTEM

As a reminder, ordering for this year's yearbook will close on FRIDAY, APRIL 19th, 2024. Yearbooks are made to order, meaning we will not have extras to sell.
If you want one (only $13 for 40 pages!), please order by this Friday's deadline! We don't want you to miss out!
Order here: https://blossers.wufoo.com/forms/jefferson-20232024-yearbook-order/

While you are out and about today, consider swinging by the WCHS Performing Arts Center between 10 and 4 to view some incredible art, created by WCS elementary students, including some from Jefferson!

Among many other amazing attributes, Jefferson also boasts having its own bee colony! The hive arrived last spring, donated by County Farm Bees, for the purpose of STEM exploration. According to Mr. Wall, Jefferson's principal, "The purpose of this venture is to learn more about sustainability and pollinators and how a hive works, as well as to enjoy tasty honey!"
You may be wondering just how a colony survives the colder months. The bees actually eat their own honey that they produce and then save for the winter, in order to weather the cold successfully. Now that the outside temperatures are warming, we can expect activity within the hive to become more active.
Our bee hive is located behind the school, where we also have a vegetable garden, along with some flowers. This area provides a vital "pollinator pathway" for our incredibly important, remarkable insect friends.

After days of activities, study, and anticipation, students were finally able to participate in viewing the historic solar eclipse on Monday, April 8, 2024. Even though Winona Lake was not quite in the path of 100% totality, our location still provided a wonderful show overhead. Several parents even came to Jefferson to watch with their children. What an experience!
Photo credit: Mrs. Pathak