Jefferson held its annual Spelling Bee on Wednesday, January 10th, and dozens of BRAVE 5th and 6th grade spellers took the stage, spelling words through multiple rounds.
In the end, it came down to just two Spartans. The 2024 Bee winner is Bridget B. (5th grade) along with runner-up Will G. (6th grade). Both students will represent Jefferson at the Warsaw Elementary Spelling Bee on January 30th at Lakeview Middle School.
Congratulations to ALL participants! Jefferson has many GREAT and COURAGEOUS spellers!
Photo: Mrs. Jennifer Long (Bee emcee), Will G., Bridget B., Mr. Josh Wall (Jefferson principal). Student names and images are used with parent permission.

Here's to a fantastic new year (2024) and to the continuation of our school year (2023–24)!
See you next Tuesday, January 9th, Spartans! Let's rock the second half!

It has been a busy season for learning and showing what we know! Recently Ms. Smith's and Mr. Longenberger's 3rd grade classes presented their City Architects Showcase to other classes, their families, and the community.
What went into this culmination of study? Ms. Smith stated, "Students researched careers that went with their specific buildings that were important for a sustainable city. They did an informative paper on their career also. They made a 3D printing on TinkerCad of their building, as well as a LEGO representation of the inside of their building. We used blueprints to show area and perimeter of each room."
Great job, 3rd grade!

Two of our favorites helped serve lunch today. Mrs. Snow taught Kindergarten at Jefferson for 10 years, and Mr. McClintock, who retired in May, is still basically a regular around here. (We're not complaining.)

Come one, come all to cheer on our Jefferson Spartans, as they face the Leesburg Blue Blazers in the City Elementary Basketball Championship Game at 6:30pm on Thursday, December 21st at the Warsaw Community High School Tiger Den. Let's have a loud and spirited cheer section to support our Spartan team!
Tournament play has an admission fee of $5 for adults; children are free.
Go, Spartans! #ExperienceWCS

Tonight is our Spartan Singers Holiday Concert! Singers should arrive in the cafeteria by 5:45pm; the concert begins at 6:00pm.
All are welcome to attend!

It's Spirit Week, Spartans!

Occasionally the stars align, and four, former, successive Jefferson principals all end up at the same event (6th Grade Green Energy Expo), AND someone remembers to take a picture!
Pictured are Mr. Josh Wall (2020–present), Mr. Kyle Carter (2014–2020), Mr. David Robertson (2012–2014), and Mr. Denny Duncan (circa 1994–2012).
Mr. Carter and Mr. Robertson both had sons presenting in the Green Energy Expo, and Mr. Duncan had a GRANDson presenting. How fun is that?!
Jefferson's roots run deep.
#ExperienceWCS #WCSmission

Jefferson's recent 6th Grade Green Energy Expo was the culmination of work done through a Project-Based Learning unit on Green Energy. The unit was designed to correlate with Jefferson's pillars for STEM. It incorporated the informational writing standard. The students explored various Green Energy jobs and chose one to research further. They then had to write a 7-paragraph paper telling about the career.
The second component to this unit was the presentation. Students were partnered with others who had a similar job. They had to create a 5-minute presentation that combined a visual and verbal component to address their individual careers, how they work together, and how they can be beneficial to our community.
Classes, parents, and community partners were invited to come see the presentations on Thursday afternoon, December 14th.
Information provided by Mrs. Jennifer Long, 6th-grade teacher.
#ExperienceWCS #WCSmission

Mark your calendars for one week from tonight for the Spartan Singers Holiday Concert.

We are sad to report that the book fair, both online and in-person, have concluded for this year. Even though the online fair said it would be open through today, Dec. 9, the company reported that this date discrepancy was a "time-zone bug" and something they are working on.
We hope that everyone found a reading treasure or two. Your support means the world to our Jefferson Library. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

If you didn't find the book you wanted at the Literati Book Fair, do not fear! You still have through tomorrow, Saturday, December 9th to shop at our ONLINE FAIR! The selection is vast, and books will be shipped to Jefferson prior to Christmas Break.
Every purchase helps our Jefferson Library! Thank you for your support!

Check out this update on our Adopt-a-Spartan Christmas program.
#ExperienceWCS #WCSmission

The Literati Book Fair has arrived at Jefferson and will be open the week of December 4th–8th! Grown-ups may shop Monday/Tuesday/Thursday/Friday from 9:00am–10:00am, Wednesday from 9:00am–4:00pm, and Thursday evening at Winterfest from 5:30pm–7:30pm. Along with a large variety of books and journals, we also have ten different posters available ($4.75 each + tax) and some small stocking stuffers: bookmarks, scented erasers (always a big hit), fancy pens, etc. Of course, online shopping is always open (books only) through December 9th at https://efairs.literati.com/?school=jefferson-elementary-school-winona-lake-in .
Thank you for guiding your children as they discover "just right" books for them! We truly appreciate your support of literacy and our Jefferson Library.
#ExperienceWCS #WCSmission

🌊 Dive Into Fun with WCHS Open Swim! 🌊
🗓️ December Swim Times (schedule may vary):Mondays & Wednesdays: 7:15-9 PM
#WCHSOpenSwim #WCSmission

Mark those calendars for one week from tonight for Jefferson's annual Winterfest!
#ExperienceWCS #WCSmission

Don't forget that this evening is our November STEM Family Night! We hope to see you there!

As a quick reminder, our Literati Online Book Fair is open NOW through December 9th. There's no need to wait in long lines at Winterfest or be disappointed by out-of-stock items. Shop online from the comfort of your own home and find the best selection without any hassles. Your books will be delivered to the school before Christmas Break, and each purchase greatly benefits the Jefferson Library. (Check with your child's teacher to see if s/he has a classroom wish list, too!)
Thanks for considering!

Macy's may have the most famous Thanksgiving balloon parade, but Jefferson's version may just be the cutest and most enthusiastic.
For a third year, Jefferson's 1st-grade students were the stars of the hallway with their own version of the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade. Mrs. Nicki Reeder, 1st-grade teacher, shared, "We begin by reading the book, Balloons Over Broadway, to learn about how the Macy's parade began. We also discuss Problem and Solution and how Tony Sarg persevered and tried various ways to make his balloons bigger and better. Students then choose their storybook character and designed their balloon. Students have to think about what color balloon they need, as well as the materials they will use to make their balloon look like their chosen character. This leads to discussions about the size of the character's facial features, aiming to ensure that they are large enough for spectators to see."
What results is a special and fun celebration for everyone, from the 1st-grade participants to the cheering, mostly older students who line the halls for this now-annual event.
Participating classes are led by Jefferson's amazing 1st Grade Team of Mrs. Nicki Reeder, Mrs. Jessica Luchenbill, and Miss Liz Moore.
#ExperienceWCS #WCSmission

Shop our online Literati Book Fair NOW from the comfort of your home for the best and most extensive selection of books for your holiday gift-giving and beyond! Avoid the long lines in the library during Winterfest, all while helping the Jefferson Library with each and every purchase!
Thank you for supporting literacy AND the Jefferson Library!
The online Literati Book Fair is open through 12/9/23. Books will be delivered to the school after the close of the in-person fair and before Christmas Break.
#WCSmission #ExperienceWCS