Please note, as the IDOE makes changes at the state level, the WCHS counseling department continues to monitor the IDOE for graduation requirements and pathways for students, and makes necessary updates as information is provided by the state.
Scheduling and Career Planning
IDOE Graduation Requirements
Course Selection Sheets 2025-26
High School is an exciting time to explore career options and discover your aptitudes and passions. Each student has chosen, or is in the process of choosing, a career pathway. Counselors will work diligently to assist students in selecting courses that support these career goals.
The WCHS and WACC course of study guides are designed to assist you and your student in making the best possible decisions to get them where they want to be on their career path.
With the number of dual credits (meaning your student earns college credit and high school credit) and certification programs available at Warsaw Community High School and Warsaw Area Career Center your student can leave prepared to complete college or go right into the work force at a higher level than others competing for the same positions.
We encourage all parents to have an active role in their student's scheduling to be certain all state and local requirements are met for graduation
1. School Counselors present the upcoming school year course of study options and review graduation requirements with students at the beginning of second semester.
2. Students choose courses and enter their selections into Powerschool. Parents and students can review choices and make any changes during the open window of the Powerschool scheduling portal.
4. Students and School Counselors meet individually February-March to review the student's career path, discuss graduation requirements, and confirm course selections.
It is our goal that a class schedule will be given to students prior to the start of the next school year. Students and parents will have the last two weeks in July to request a change. No verbal requests will be honored. Change request forms will be made available online through the counseling office. A request does not guarantee a change.
We encourage students and parents to choose courses wisely. It is very difficult to change a course at the beginning of the school year. A student’s schedule may need to be changed by the school if the student fails to meet a prerequisite or graduation requirement. The school reserves the right to cancel any class due to personnel needs or lack of enrollment. In this event, students will be given the opportunity to select an alternative course. Students are responsible to make up any classes they committed to completing in summer school and then did not follow through with completing.