Driver's Education
It’s time to think about your child learning to drive! Here are the steps you will need to take.
Register your child with WCHS Driver Education. The link to the registration form is:
Print the form, fill it out, and mail it and your payment to:
WCHS Dr. Ed. 1 Tiger Lane, Warsaw, IN 46580
Once the registration is processed, your child will receive an email from Welcome to Driving Brilliance with login information to begin the online course.
After they have started the 30-hour course, your child will need to contact Mr. Scott Smith for the Certificate of Drivers Education (CDE) form needed by the BMV to take the written permit test.
After your child has received their permit, they will need to contact Mr. Scott Smith and let him know that they are ready to schedule the behind-the-wheel training portion of the course.
For More information, Contact:
Scott Smith, CAA
Coordinator of Drivers Education
Social Studies Dept. R251
574.371.5099 ext. 2148