JROTC Officer, MAJ (R), SAI
JROTC Officer, Army Instructor, CSM(R)

October 2020: The Tiger Battalion had a great month of October that started with a honored guest speaker from the great state of Indiana and the real Forest Gump, Sammy L. Davis, SFC(R), Medal Of Honor, Vietnam. He and his wife Dixie spoke to our JROTC Cadets, Senior ROTC Cadets (Notre Dame), and our entire school. What a great honor for everyone to be able to hear his inspirational story! A true Hoosier Hero! This was a great kickoff to our Veterans Day Celebration.
Hobart conducted a very tough Raider Competition with a running clock on October 10. It was a great team-building event that required high intensity, grit, determination, and motivation! Our raider team led by Cadet Cameron Charles has been practicing for the past couple of months and performed quite well given extremely tough circumstances. We were scheduled to attend the Marion Raider Competition on October 31 but had to unfortunately cancel.
We provided a Color Guard for our varsity football game on October 16. This is a great display of patriotism, citizenship, and community pride by our cadets.
Lastly, our JROTC Cadets gladly participate in Boomerang Backpacks every Thursday afternoon after school. We fill bags for our elementary-aged kids that need food over the weekend. A few of our cadets were once recipients of Boomerang Backpacks so it's great to see them on the other end of helping with this community project. Being part of this Service Learning Project is a great source of pride for many cadets to include the instructors.
Check out the Storyboard

The HS math teacher, 1LT (First Lieutenant) Robert Klinedinst is an officer and leader in a Chemical Battalion Former Cadet, PV2 (Private Second Class) Jarod Emmons, and 1LT Klinedinst both serve in the same Chemical Battalion that is part of the Indiana Army National Guard. This battalion is a "dual-hatted" military unit in that it handles chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear (CBRN) threats that are natural and/or man-made for the U.S. Army, as well as civilians.
PV2 Emmons was only at WCHS for his senior year in SY 2015-2016, but he quickly made an impact on our Drill & Color Guard teams and received a national award at the end of the school year for his work as an Army Cadet.
Over the years, we talked on occasion when our paths crossed in Warsaw (like at Pizza Hut where he worked for a time). He had to overcome some difficult hurdles to enlist into the Indiana Army Guard and was finally able to do so a few months ago. So, "It's a Small World After All" in the Army when one of our Tiger teachers is leading a Tiger alum.