Parent Square
Warsaw Community Schools uses ParentSquare for school communication (primarily email, text and app notifications). If there is important information for families (i.e: delays/cancellations, emergencies) parents should expect to hear it from us first (before hearing it from social media or news outlets).
ParentSquare automatically generates an account for each parent, using their preferred email address and phone number (as noted in PowerSchool). We encourage parents to access their accounts so they can download the mobile app and update their preferences on when and how they are notified. This information feeds directly from PowerSchool.
eLearning days, school delays & cancellations will be announced through Parent Square and on our social media accounts.

Communication Strategies
WCS, through its partnerships and platforms, is committed to supporting targeted school information and news at the district, school, and classroom levels.
As modern communications channels expand and evolve, WCS recognizes the importance of delivering accurate, relevant, timely, and engaging content.
In today’s digital, the mobile world offers opportunities to connect how and when individuals prefer. Staff, students, parents, and other key stakeholders can access vital information through WCS websites, school notification systems, media partners, and social media.
Warsaw Community Schools hosts 16 websites - one for district news and one for each of the corporation's 15 schools/programs. Features include a robust search engine, a message feature, language translation, document folders, staff contacts, news, live feed, and events.
WCS Communication Plan includes a district Facebook and a Twitter account managed by WCS Superintendent Dr. David Hoffert. Each school has an official Facebook and Twitter account.
Stay informed about our community guidelines—read our WCS Social Media Decorum Statement here.

Delay & Cancellation Protocols
Delays and cancellation procedures on a normal school day: It will be announced no later than 5:45 a.m. if we are delaying and/or closing. Following a delay, it will be announced no later than 7:45 a.m. if schools will be closing. | Delays and cancellation procedures on a late-start PLC Monday: It will be announced no later than 6:30 a.m. if we are delaying and/or closing. In the event of a delay on a PLC day, the school will run according to the normal 2-hour delay schedule. In the event of a cancellation on a PLC day, the PLC day will not be transferred to another date. |
WCS Delay & Cancellation Guidelines: District eLearning Pages, Definitions and Guidance: | Weather Alerts will be Sent Using: Parent Square (text, email and app); ALL WCS Twitter Accounts; ALL WCS Facebook Accounts; District Instagram Account Local News and Media Stations |