With a rich history of 177 years of Warsaw graduates, Dr. David Hoffert, Superintendent, congratulated Travis Gause and Ben Slabach - the first two students to graduate from Warsaw Community Schools Class of 2022!
Travis attended Lincoln, Lakeview, and WCHS.
Ben attended Jefferson, Lakeview, and Edgewood before WCHS.
WCHS Principal Troy Akers, Class of 2022 Principal David Bailey, and Superintendent Dr. David Hoffert met with Travis & Ben (along with their teachers and family) to host a special graduation ceremony.
Dr. Hoffert added, "It gives me great pride on behalf of Board of School Trustees of Warsaw Community Schools to present the diplomas to our first graduates of 2022. To my STARR students Andy and Ben, you have show us the meaning of community, friendship and overcoming adversity. You inspire us. We have watched your teachers and the passion they have in your success. We are proud of you and your accomplishments and to celebrate with you tonight. "
Go Class of 2022!
#wcsmission #togetherwearewarsaw