WCHS Girl's Rugby will have four games here at home this spring season. All games are located on the Rugby Field which is near the main Warsaw Community High School sign along SR 15. Listed below are the game dates and times as well as the themes for the cheer block!
Bring a lawn chair, a blanket, a friend, or your dog and support WCHS Rugby!
April 23 at Noon, Warsaw VS Carmel Greyhounds
Theme: BLACKOUT - cheer on the ladies in your all black clothes an accessories!
May 4 at 6:00pm, Warsaw VS Carroll Chargers
Theme: NEON - show your support by coming in your brightest neon colors.
May 7 at Noon, Warsaw VS Noblesville Miller
Theme: 70s for CCS - this is a great chance to show your support for our local Combined Community Services by wearing totally rad 70s threads! Also, bring a food donation!
May 11 at 6:00pm, Warsaw VS FW Narwhals
SENIOR NIGHT! Theme: Tropical Luau - come to support the last home game in your most tropical attire! Let's cheer on our senior players!