Dr. David Hoffert was joined by Class of 2022 Principal David Bailey and WCHS Principal Troy Akers. In this special early graduation ceremony for track athletes heading to STATE, Dr. Hoffert shared, "A huge congrats to our first graduates and their family, teammates, teachers, coaches and friends. This is one of my favorite moments.
To our track athletes. You are part of a special group that really has two graduations. One with metaphorical finish line called a diploma and the second at a literal finish line and potentially a podium.
Up on stage, you have three former WCHS track coaches and teachers. We know and understand your dedication and hard work that has provided you the opportunity to compete at the highest levels in the state. To do this while also battling the fatigue of senioritis that can afflict many of your classmates, you are to be commended.
Last evening, I was thinking about a special honor cord for each of you to celebrate your accomplishments. A special tradition….although I realized that I had not received prior authorization from the principal (or Tri-Kappa). I also figured you would not want an old pair of my old sweaty and worn out shoes hanging around your neck.
So instead I have a special blessing as you go off to complete.
May you compete with all the heart and determination of the senior role models you are.
May the wind be always at your back on both straightaways and in the ring propelling you forward.
May your shoes always stay tied (as a former coach, please double knot them).
May your handoffs be crisp and the baton always in your grasp.
May the Tigers be the fastest and strongest of all the animals and mascots competing in the ring and on the track.
More than anything……may you celebrate by creating positive memories of your special graduation as a Warsaw Tiger. "
Congratulations Joseleen Niebbia, Marin Hart, Abigail Sanner, Wini Barnett, Ava Knight, and Amanda Lusinde. Go Class of 2022!
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